CAPPO BULLDOGS 卡波英国斗牛犬, 卡波斗牛俱乐部,英国斗牛, 法国斗牛犬,斗牛犬
老虎狗,Bulldogs, 上诲, Shanghai,China, 卡波英国斗牛犬俱乐部, 卡波犬舍
Cappo Bulldogs 位于上海,创办人Richard Cappo 先生“卡波”来自美国纽约人,从2002年到上海创业,在一次偶然的机会在一家知名宠物店购買了一只英国斗牛犬,因此改变了他的生活。英国斗牛犬是一种少见珍贵及项徵着贵族的犬种,它擁有独特的气質及雄厚的体型,再加上它 憨厚的个性让人不能不多看它一眼,及更想擁有它们。Richard Cappo 先生,於是决定回到美国知名犬舍,引进优良品种血统。卡波犬舍第一只种公冠军登錄Champion Mighty Mytoys Legend in the Making- aka -TOBY 拿到美国英国斗牛犬冠军得到最高优秀赏历,我们相信如此优秀的品种,想必能在中国掀起大轟动,让喜爱英国斗牛犬的擁户者,必能擁有非常纯正的优良品种。2009年在引进第2只美国冠军。BIS AM Champion Coastbulls Valiant Hero-BIS英雄。 BIS英雄初次在中国参赛顺利得到全场总冠军BEST In SHOW!2010年卡波又回来美国这次回来带来两只极品牛。一只是BIS卡波's军官。OH YES卡波的牛又第一次出来参赛又获得-全场种冠军。有人说是一个奇迹卡波说是专业研究繁殖者好牛。你会创造你自己的奇迹!2010美国引进的超级帅哥是美男子。2011年美国引进超霸气全场总冠军卡波's 军官!看我们幼犬已经有一些新繁殖的极品新的美国冠军!没话讲。看牛看全球比赛成绩,看牛优越的气质看卡波!
你看上面犬舍介绍是卡波前12年的努力。现在卡波斗牛俱乐部不需要说别人的血统,别人的美国冠军怎么样。卡波英国斗牛俱乐部本土本地繁殖来三只超级美国冠军。其实卡波繁殖不止这一点数量好牛。应为证明卡波的牛是真正的美国冠军的牛必要带牛回美国必须花几十万玩玩。这才牛,这才代表卡波牛的水平不是虚吹的。从今天以后卡波至少每年会完成一位美国冠军。现在卡波斗牛美国冠军一共有6位美国冠军。真没有任何国内及亚洲犬舍能比得上卡波牛的水平,技术血统。卡波斗牛俱乐部跟着美国英国斗牛标准。不是中国土牛臭沙皮混的标准!你想买健康,可信赖国际标准牛。亚洲气质NO.1 的牛。只有卡波!让牛说话其他是吹牛屁而已。
CAPPO BULLDOGS 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部 卡波犬舍, 卡波英牛斗牛, 卡波斗牛
英国斗牛,英国斗牛犬,斗牛犬,卡波犬舍,卡波英国斗牛,老虎狗,English Bulldogs,Shanghai,China
American Champion Cappo‘s Tumbleweed Elvis's Sweetheart!
中国新的美国冠军卡波's NORA
YES 除了繁殖美国冠军公牛也有繁殖美国冠军母牛!没任何亚洲犬舍比卡波成绩牛!记得
Am Ch Cappo's Bruce Lee
美国冠军卡波's李小龙 卡波本土本地繁殖美国冠军!
Thank you breeder judge Ms. Jean Hetherington!
超级美国冠军卡波's Moby
Thank you Breeder Judge Mr. James C. Dundas!
Champion Mighty Mytoys Legend in the Making- aka -TOBY
BIS AM Champion Coastbulls Valiant Hero-BIS英雄
Please remember to surf thru all the pages of this web site.
Richard Cappo an American from New York relocated to Shanghai in 2002. Before he moved to Shanghai he met his loving wife in College in Taiwan. Being that Richard and Jeannie Cappo besides having two children- Nicole and Dominic want also wanted to own a few dogs. Now that we felt we where settle enought to do this Richard and Jeannie and the Cappo kids bought their first bulldog from the wrong place - a Pet Store in Shanghai. He never knew that one inbred bulldog would change his life and lifestyle forever. Richard and his family immediately fell in love with this special breed and wanted to do more for the breed in China. China’s bulldog quality before Cappo Bulldogs was not very good. Richard did his research and went back to the USA and imported numerous Champion bloodline dogs in order to help improve the breed here in China. Cappo Bulldogs’ top stud dog is American Champion Mighty Mytoys Legend in the Making-aka- TOBY. Toby’s litter mate Windy took the BCA (Bulldogs Club America)Nationals by going BEST OF BREED- BISS -BEST in SPECIALTY SHOW in November 2006. This is the highest award any bulldog could achieve. This is living proof along with Toby’s beautiful health, pups that Toby is China’s top stud dog hands down. Cappo Bulldogs’ show record also speaks for itself. Now added to the line up of Studs are BEST IN SHOW AM CH Coastbull Valaint Hero, Best in Show Cappo's Soldier and many more. Before cheating plagued Dog Shows in China, Cappo Bulldogs did not lose to any other bulldog in any show in China. Male VS Male or Female VS Female. Second we have multiple group placements, Reserve BEST IN SHOW and YES- BIS -BEST IN SHOW. Weather you just want a cool loving pet or a show bulldog there is only one place to call and that’s Cappo Bulldogs. Enjoy the web site and be sure to surf everypage! The Cappo's
China’s only American English Bulldog Breeder!
Improving the breed in China and the world!
Proud Member of the BCA(Bulldog Club of America)
Richard Cappo (卡波先生)
Richard Cappo WECHAT QR CODE: 卡波先生的微信二形码:

上海斗牛犬,英国斗牛犬, 卡波英国斗牛俱乐部,卡波英国斗牛犬舍,卡波犬舍,卡波法国斗牛犬,法国斗牛犬要买英牛斗牛犬,
出售英国斗牛, 赛级斗牛
上海出售斗斗牛犬,全国-世界-卖英牛斗牛犬, 出售法国斗牛, 卖赛级斗牛犬, Cappo Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, FRENCH Bulldogs, Shanghai Bulldogs
网站地址: www.cappobulldogs.com, www.chinabulldogs.com , www.englishbulldogs.cn , www.斗牛犬.com
Cappo Bulldogs