Cappo Bulldogs 卡波斗牛俱乐部
This boys father and mother where unble to continue to take care of Chuck. They have returned him to me to make sure he is placed in a good home. Chuck could be placed in the right loving home free of charge. We just ask that he be neutered. His new parents are best to live in Shanghai so we can keep better track of him and no freight charges. Only serious inquires. No scumbag puppy farms asking for him without being neutered pretained to love dogs. Go F yourself! No way. Thank you!
Richard Cappo
我父母无法养我。我回到卡波家拜托卡波帮我找真心会爱我新父母。我健康活泼一岁多帅哥很喜欢跟人在一起。卡波是免费送我。但要求我先做节育手续才可以走。垃圾狗贩骗子请不要来电装你们爱我。不要我不做节育手术这是不可能滴!最好是上海地区的父母们养我。卡波先生会比较放心,而且不会产生任何托运费用。请有能力真诚想拥有我的,才来电话给卡波先生。非常期待看到你们!谢谢卡波's Chuck!
卡波&卡波's 闪电
2012 年 3月 我已经有新主人。安全到家以后会公布。请大家不要来电询问CHUCK的事情。今年卡波会再免费送好多退休母牛。有兴趣者,请在卡波幼犬申请书填好后。注明想排队养卡波退休母牛。再打电话卡波聊聊你会怎么那么爱他们!谢谢卡波